Travelling by Air

Air Canada provides daily flight service between Montreal and Gaspé, Quebec or Bathurst, New Brunswick. There are two scheduled flights both to and from each location daily. Camp Bonaventure is a two-hour drive from both Gaspé and Bathurst. You can either rent a car at the airport or we can pick you up and bring you back.

We are equipped with 6000-foot paved landing strip to accommodate private aircraft. For pilots, our airport code is CYVB.

We provide a pick-up and drop-off service from both Gaspé and Bathurst airports. The cost for each way is $300.

With advance notice we are able to provide you or your group with individually tailored executive aircraft charter service ~ from a twin engine turbo-prop to a wide-bodied jet with intercontinental range. We strongley recommend Independent Jets for a reliable and professional service.